Owner’s Message
I, Faizeen Ahmed, I am very young myself and aspire to provide the best service in this industry and understand every buyer’s specifications and requirements. With our company, we can offer you free online/offline consultations. Whatever you need we will deliver you the best. With your support we only believe in being the best.
In Bangladesh, in every corner you will find someone associated with the clothing industry. There are no shortage of factories, buying houses and middlemen waiting to cater thousands of orders.
So what differentiates us ?
Well, if I am being completely honest big factories have more experience and more luxurious buyers than us. But, we are connected with the roots of fabrics and threads. In our company we ensure the best fabric and top-notch sewing. Any brands looking to start up you may not find the price to make your own fabric since it is very expensive, and even if you can afford it the fabric quality cannot meet the standards of H&M, Zara, ESPIRIT, Carhartt, Jack & Jones, etc.
But we provide the best stocks of fabrics of the biggest brands produced in Bangladesh. We source from the roots of the business leaders. So at our company one thing is ensured that is quality.
You can contact us for samples and live updates.
We can only vouch for ourselves that we provide the best and nothing like the rest.